Tollwood taking action for humanity and nature

Campaigns and projects

Tollwood unites a zest for life, the enjoyment of culture and commitment for a tolerant, peaceful and sustainable world. About 1.5 million visitors enjoy international artists and theatre groups, the “Market of Ideas” and the atmosphere. We feel responsible for this world. Our crucial concerns lie with keeping the festival’s carbon footprint as small as possible and to be active for humans and the environment, not only within the festival but also beyond. With campagnes, projects and art, Tollwood is sending a message to its visitors and wants them to be active – for a sustainable society and a more just world.

Bio für Kinder

Bio für Kinder

Organic food in children day care centres & schools

HoMaBiLe Installation

Valuable resource: water


True Cost Corner Shop


this bistro serves up the true prices for a wide variety of dishes and shows the connections between consumption and environmental damage.

Aktionsort Staatskanzlei

Change of use for the Control centre of power

Aktionsort CHANGE

The climate crisis is not a future scenario, we are already in the middle of it. It is up to all of us now. What needs to be done? Answers can be found here.


Event tent 2007 - 2019

Volksbegehren Artenvielfalt „Rettet die Bienen“

Groß-Demo "Mia ham's satt"

am 6. Oktober 2018 in München

E-Werk Tollwood Winterfestival 2012


Nov/Dez 2013 | Zukunft mit Sonne, Wind & Co.

Eingangskunstwerk 2013 - 25 x Lebenswert

25 Mal lebenswert

Juni/Juli 2013 | 25 Botschaften für eine bessere Welt

Vorratskammer Sommer 2012

Die Vorratskammer

Juni/Juli 2012 | Genug für sieben Milliarden

Aufgetischt-Pavillon Winterfestival 2011

Was ist da drin?

Nov/Dez 2011 | Aufgetischt-Pavillon

Ausstellung MUT - Sommer 2011

MUT – Was Menschen bewegt

Juni/Juli 2011 | Anstiftung zum Aktiv werden

Kein Ausstieg vom Ausstieg!

Nov/Dez 2010 | Tollwood sagt Nein zur Atomkraft

Bei Anruf Smog - Sommerfestival 2007

Mobilfunk – bei Anruf Smog!

Mehr Forschung, Aufklärung, Gesundheitsschutz
