General Business Conditions

of Tollwood GmbH for Performances

  1. The admission ticket entitles the bearer to attend one performance of the event printed on the ticket in the general category. Premium/reduced-price tickets are not transferable and are valid only for an entitled person. When the ticket holder leaves the performance venue, the ticket loses its validity. Latecomers to events with numbered seating can no longer be guaranteed the use of the indicated seat reservation. The purchased tickets are fundamentally non-exchangeable. Please bear in mind the following points on the listing of individual performances in the festival magazine as well as on the Internet website.
    Unless otherwise indicated, the following regulations apply: Children and young people under the age of 16 may only attend performances accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The Musik-Arena constitutes an exception: here a visit to events is possible starting at the age of 14, even without a parent or legal guardian.
    Young people from the age of 16 may only attend performances alone until 12:00 midnight. Should they attend a performance that lasts beyond midnight they must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Persons charged with the supervision of children or young people under 18 years of age must present a filled-in “Transfer of Supervisory Obligation” form available as a .pdf here [>>].
    Children under the age of 6 are basically not permitted to attend performances for which there are no specific conditions under any circumstances, even if accompanied by their parents.
    Should the aforementioned non-admission stipulations for children/young people apply, they will not be permitted to attend the event even if they are in possession of a valid admission ticket.
    Beyond that the terms and conditions of the youth protection legislation shall apply.
  2. The promoter reserves the right to postpone events. The tickets retain their validity for the postponed date. In this case, ticket holders have a right of choice. Either they can withdraw from the contract on presentation of purchased tickets and receive a refund of the admission price from the promoter, or they can retain the tickets for the postponed event. The exercise of the withdrawal right and the return of the tickets is only possible up to one day prior to the actual performance date.
    A delay in the beginning of the event is not a postponement in this context. In such cases, a refund of the ticket price is not possible.
  3. Should the performance be canceled ticket holders can withdraw from the contract with the promoter. They can return the admission tickets and claim a refund of the admission charge.
  4. The termination of the contract – that is to say, the return of the tickets and the refund of the admission charge in keeping with the stipulations under the aforementioned number takes place where the tickets were initially purchased. A termination without presentation of the original tickets is not possible.
  5. The concerts at the Musik-Arena end at 10 pm the latest.
  6. Bringing along glass containers and cans of any size, as well as other containers in excess of 0.5 liters (plastic bottles, tetrapacks, etc.), audio recording equipment, film and video cameras and professional photographing equipment, bulky objects (for example Selfiesticks), pyrotechnical objects, torches, sparklers, weapons and other dangerous objects, as well as animals is prohibited. Ticket holders who disturb the performance or bother other audience members or give concrete cause to fear that they might do these things may be excluded from the performance site. In such cases they have no right to a refund of their ticket price.
  7. Taking pictures is permitted for private use only, (no publishing neither print nor online) with a small picture camera or mobile phone without flash. The right to privacy of third persons must be respected in such cases. Professional equipment may only be brought into the Musik-Arena by accredited journalists. The maker of film or sound recordings of any kind as well as the publication of such recordings on- or off-line and bringing along audio, film, video and professional photographing equipment without the express prior consent of the promoter are prohibited.
  8. Holders of admission tickets consent to having their images recorded and copied in conjunction with the performance – without compensation either from the promoter or third parties – and further agree to the transmission or other use of this material, especially in conjunction with the audio-visual media. Consenting the use of this photographic material is temporally and spatially unlimited.
  9. The house rules of the performance venue and the instructions of personnel charged with the maintenance of good order must be observed. Entering the stage area or climbing over barriers is prohibited.
  10. At rock and pop concerts, there is a danger of damage to hearing or health because of the high volume. Ticket holders are aware of this. They will take appropriate precautions. Tollwood GmbH assumes no liability for damage to hearing – or any other damage to health.
  11. 1.  Claims to the promoter for damage compensation on any legal grounds whatsoever are ruled out, except in cases where the promoter, his legal representative or his associates have failed, either intentionally or with gross negligence, to meet their contractual obligations. Claimants for damages because of the impossibility of performances or delay are referred to articles 2 and 3. Damage claims beyond these can only be asserted if the concrete damages are predictable for the promoter and were avoidable for him.

As of: 14/06/2024 Tollwood GmbH



Tollwood Summer Festival / Tollwood Winter Festival

The house rules aim to maintain safety and order on the festival grounds, prevent hazards to individuals and property, ensure a smooth flow of events, and protect structures of all kinds from damage and contamination.

By entering the festival site, visitors recognize the validity of these house rules as contractually agreed. Exhibitors and other festival participants must inform their employees and other persons to whom they grant access of the provisions of the house rules.

1. Scope of Application

The house rules in their current version apply to the outdoor areas as well as to the structures and tents on the entire festival site.

2. Domiciliary rights

2.1. Tollwood GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the “organizer”) exercises domiciliary rights on the festival grounds. The instructions of the organizer and the security service to enforce the domiciliary rights must be followed.

2.2.  Violations of the provisions of the house rules or obstructions to the exercise of domiciliary rights in accordance with point 2.1. may lead to immediate expulsion from the premises, in serious cases to a temporary or permanent ban on entering the premises or even criminal prosecution.

3. Behaviour

3.1. Every visitor must behave in such a way that the organizer and the participants, visitors and third parties are not harmed, endangered or harassed.

3.2. The instructions of the organizer and the security service must be followed.

3.3. In the event of evacuation, every visitor is obliged to follow the instructions of the security service, the staff and the authorities without delay. As a rule, items left at a checkroom or locked in a locker cannot be collected in such cases. Visitors affected by this can subsequently contact the organizer in writing.

3.4. Lost property must be handed in at the Infopoint at the main entrance to the festival site.

3.5. Waste must be disposed of in the garbage cans provided for this purpose, taking into account the separation of waste.

3.6. In the event of personal injury or damage to property, the organizer must be informed immediately.

3.7. In principle, any driving on the festival grounds is prohibited from one hour before the festival opens, unless there is express permission from the organizer.

3.8. The right to sell merchandising articles, food and drinks as well as goods of any kind on the festival site, to distribute them free of charge or to transfer this right to third parties is the sole responsibility of the organizer.

3.9. Dogs must be kept on a leash.

3.10. In particular, all participants and visitors are prohibited from:

  • to disrupt events,
  • to bring bulky objects (e.g. folding chairs) to stage events,
  • to commit, assist or incite criminal or disorderly acts,
  • to discriminate against or insult other persons based on gender, ethnic origin, racist and anti-Semitic attribution, religion, disability, chronic illness, age, language, sexual and gender identity or social status through statements or actions,
  • to disseminate racist, anti-Semitic, LGBTIQ*-hostile, sexist, other group-related misanthropic, conspiracy ideological, violence-glorifying or anti-democratic content verbally, in writing or in any other way, to carry material (e.g. flyers, brochures, posters) with such content, to use signs with such content and to wear appropriate clothing,
  • to climb on or over buildings and facilities, in particular fences, barriers, lighting systems, masts, and roofs of any kind,
  • to write on, paint on, stick on or otherwise damage the buildings and facilities,
  • enter areas that are not intended for visitors (e.g. stages, backstage areas, function rooms, etc.),
  • to distribute advertising material, printed matter, flyers or similar and to carry out collections, unless this has been permitted in writing by the organizer in advance,
  • to light fires, set off fireworks or pyrotechnic objects,
  • to use noise-generating instruments (trumpets, drums, vuvuzelas etc.), whistles, compressed gas-powered fanfares etc,
  • to relieve oneself outside the toilet facilities,
  • to carry cutting, stabbing and firearms or similarly dangerous objects as well as drugs within the meaning of the German Narcotics Act (BtMG).

In addition, visitors are in particular not permitted inside structures or tents:

  • to smoke tobacco (including the use of e-cigarettes) or cannabis (smoking is prohibited in all tents),
  • to sit or stand in the entrances and exits and to occupy/block escape routes.

3.11. The consumption of cannabis is not permitted on the entire festival site (according to the legal regulation of March 27, 2024, KCanG).

3.12. The security service may search the bags/backpacks carried by visitors – also by using technical aids – to determine whether the visitors pose a security risk because they are carrying dangerous or prohibited objects in accordance with point 3.10.

4. Musik-Arena

The following additional regulations apply to the Musik-Arena:

4.1. Visitors are prohibited from bringing the following items:

  • Glass containers and cans of any size
  • Cups and jugs made of fragile, splintering or particularly hard material
  • other containers over 0.5 liters (e.g. plastic bottles, Tetrapaks, etc.)
  • Sound recorders, film/video cameras and professional image recording devices
  • bulky objects (e.g. selfie sticks, folding chairs, etc.)
  • Gas fanfares
  • laser pointers
  • animals
  • pyrotechnic and flammable objects such as fireworks, flares, sparklers, etc.

4.2. The security service may search visitors and any bags/backpacks they bring with them – also by using technical aids – to determine whether they pose a security risk due to carrying prohibited items in accordance with point 3.10 and point 4.1

4.3. Admission is granted upon presentation of a valid admission ticket for the respective concert.

4.4. Visitors will be refused admission or expelled from the premises without the ticket price being refunded if they

  • refuse control measures in accordance with point 4.2,
  • do not comply with the instructions of the security service to enforce house rules,
  • are recognizably under the influence of alcohol or drugs,
  • are recognizably violent or prepared to incite violence,
  • are carrying prohibited items in accordance with points 3.10 and/or 4.1,

or who

  • have been banned from the premises.

4.5. Further details on the validity of tickets are regulated by the General Terms and Conditions of the organizer, which can be viewed on the official homepage

4.6. Concerts end at 10 p.m. at the latest.

5. Liability

5.1. Claims for damages against the organizer, for whatever legal reason, are excluded, unless the organizer, his legal representative or his vicarious agents have acted with intent or gross negligence.

5.2. The Organizer shall not be liable for the loss of items.

5.3. The organizer shall not be liable for damage caused by visitors, users and their agents or other third parties.

6. Final provisions

6.1. The house rules may be amended by the organizer at any time and without stating a reason. When amended house rules are issued, the previous version automatically loses its validity.

6.2. In the event of non-compliance, a ban or expulsion from the premises may be imposed as a further measure under house rules law.

6.3. The house rules are displayed at the information point. They have also been deposited and are available on the official homepage of the organizer

In addition, current, supplementary notices of the organizer and the instructions of the security staff, as well as current information on the official homepage apply.

27.05.2024, Tollwood GmbH