Bio für Kinder – Organic food project for kids

Healthy organic food for day care centres and schools

The meals in day care centres and schools are supposed to be healthy, balanced, organic and cheap. That’s many parents’ wish. The project “Bio für Kinder” by Tollwood and the Department of Environment and Health of the City of Munich shows that this is possible.

“Bio für Kinder” supports institutions to change to nutrition in 100 per cent organic quality. This also inspires urban politics to offer more organic food for day care centres and schools in Munich and beyond the city itself


Bio für Kinder

The pilot project

32 institutions switched to 100 per cent orgnanic food between 2006 and 2012 and served more than 600.000 meals. A retrospective.

Bio für Kinder


Organic food is good for young and old alike. It is even cheaper than you might expect. The proof!

Bio für Kinder

The Coaching-Programme

Experts and practitioners give counsel to institution about the change over to organic catering.

Bio für Kinder

information material

Know-how, advice and field reports . Incitement to switch now!

Bio für Kinder

Online Management Tool for organic food

Switch to organic food!

„Bio für Kinder“ in action

Conferences, workshops, choachings, lectures, press events and many more: “Bio für Kinder” supports the switch over to organic catering in children day care centres in many ways.


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