Summer Festival

Tauschraum – Exchange room

Swap yourself happy

At the Tollwood Summer Festival, well-preserved books, children’s toys, clothes and other items can find a new owner

Swap instead of buy. This is sustainable and saves money. Because even if something has become worthless to one person, it can still become valuable to someone else. Guests can hand in items at exchange room and take something home from what they have collected. Whether books that have already been read, children’s toys or games that are no longer used, clothes in good condition, or decorative, household and everyday objects. In principle, anything that is in good condition and can still be recycled properly can be handed in. And really everyone can take part, even those who don’t bring anything can help themselves. Because swapping saves resources and protects the environment – that’s good for a more sustainable future.

Only food, small electrical items, furniture and items that are too large are not accepted in the exchange room. The items should also ideally be able to be transported home by bike or on foot. It is important that those willing to swap bring individual items and not bulky waste.

Sort out items at home quickly now and make others happy!


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