Festival Motto Winter Festival 2022

Tatort Zukunft

“We can be the first generation to succeed in eradicating poverty, just as we could be the last to have the chance to save our planet.”

Ban-Ki Moon, UN Secretary-General from 2007 to 2016

Ban-Ki Moon sums up what Tollwood is all about this winter: making the planet a “Tatort Zukufnft” and thus a place of “good life for all”. No one goes hungry, we live in peace and justice in and with an intact nature, everyone has access to education and health care.

It is still in our hands. I beg your pardon? It only takes a glance at the newspaper to realise that this planet is more crisis-ridden than ever: climate crisis, energy crisis, biodiversity crisis … and war in many places, including Europe. Yes, that is true. But we must not use this as an excuse to bury our heads in the sand! On the contrary: Let’s seize the opportunity now to make a fundamental change – towards a sustainable life and economy within the planetary boundaries, a peaceful coexistence locally as well as globally. We all – politics, business, civil society and each and every individual – must become the driving force of change. The signpost for this is already there in the “Agenda 2030” with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, signed by all 193 member states of the United Nations on 25 September 2015. You can find out how the transformation can succeed at the “Tat-Ort Zukunft”, which invites you to a richly laid table. Come to the table!

“The purest form of madness is to leave everything as it is and at the same time hope that something will change.”

Albert Einstein


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