Roundnet: Open participatory workshop

28.06.2023 | 17:30 hrs.
children and youth area
Free admission

Youth Area

Roundnet: Open participatory workshop

A small trampoline on the ground, a small ball that bounces over the trampoline to the other person – fun from the very first minute. You can see the game in every park – at Tollwood everyone can try it out and test their feeling for the ball!

Roundnet briefly explained:

Roundnet is a backstroke sport that is similar to beach volleyball in its basic idea: two teams compete against each other and each have three touches to bring the ball back to the net. In contrast to beach volleyball, the ball is not hit over a high net, but onto a round net on the ground.

Roundnet is designed to be particularly sustainable at Tollwood: with Wooden Roundnet , the Roundnet games made of wood, we replace the conventional plastic frame and offer a sustainable team experience.

Roundnet Tollwood Festival

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