Momo tells

13.12.2023 | 16:00 hrs.
Festival Ground
Free admission


Momo Heiss | Lot Stories

The musician and storyteller Momo Heiss comes to the Tollwood area with her lot stories. She carries the sign with the inscription “Every Lot a story” on her back. If you spot her, you can draw a ticket for free and then hear the story you have drawn!


More events on 13.12.2023

Nathalia Buehler Tollwood Performances C Alexander.Scharf

Natalie Bühler „Aerial acrobatics”

Tue 12.12. - Thu14.12. | Performancebühne | Admission free!

12.13 Edwin Kimmler Tollwood Konzert Hexenkessel

Edwin Kimmler

13.12.2023 | 16:30 hrs. | Hexenkessel | Free admission

Faszination.feuershow Tollwood Performances C DerBlitzdings Volker.Schlott 02

Faszination Feuershow

Sun 10.12. + Mon 11.12. + Wed 13.12. - Fri 15.12. + Mon 18.12. | Mercato-Platz | Free entry!

Gute Nacht Geschichte Kinder Tollwood Muenchen

Bedtime story

Thu 23.11. - Sat 23.12. | Free entry!