Cheerio Joe

23.06.2022 | 19:30 hrs.
Hacker-Pschorr Brettl
Free admission


Cheerio Joe

Once a year on “Dinner for One” it’s “Cheerio, Miss Sophie!” – the rest of the year it’s “Cheerio Joe”! The four-piece band from Fürstenfeldbruck provides with their mix of “Rock ‘n’ Folk” at least as good mood as the film classic. Driving beats by drummer Max “Schmocki” Spieler, clear bass lines by Lukas “Lucci” Liebl and the grating voice of guitarist Sebastian “Pitti” Pittrich as a nice contrast to the crystal clear voice of singer Tina Fischer characterize the style of the band. They write their songs together. Thus, their repertoire is characterized by a complexity that, in addition to the banging on the drum, also offers room for quieter tones. Especially live, the band is infectious with its irrepressible joy of playing and good humor.


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