Evans & Harley

09.07.2019 | 17:30 hrs.
Free admission


Evans & Harley

Blues, Rock & more

Ron Evans and Rodney Harley are two old hands in the blues and rock business who now present themselves as a special kind of duo. Ron Evans – English, grew up in Australia and since the 60s in Germany. Songwriter, singer and guitarist, always on the move and with a lot of humour at work. Rodney Harley – Scotsman, also since the 60s in Germany, bass player and a rock in every musical surf. Together Evans & Harley have been on stage with different formations.

Evans+Harley Fassbar Konzert Veranstaltung Tollwood

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Otto Göttlers DIATONIkS mit Traudi Siferlinger

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Brazil Nights

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