Dr. Will & The Wizards

16.07.2024 | 19:30 hrs.
Andechser Zelt
Free admission

Konzert | Andechser Zelt

Dr. Will & The Wizards

20 Years Voodoo Blues

This “madness on eight legs” has been playing stages all over Europe for 20 years. The quartet around Dr. Will, the “weirdest colourful bird” of the European blues scene, mixes its magic potion of blues with New Orleans feeling, roots music, rock and a hefty dose of humour to celebrate in the Andechser Zelt. Watch out, this potion takes effect immediately! The hellishly good band offers a quirky performance and is great fun.

Dr. Will And The Wizards Andechser Zelt Tollwood Festival C Katharina Lukas

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