
18.07.2024 - 21.07.2024
Free admission

Performance | Amphitheater

15Feet6 “League & Legend”


Three ambitious acrobats enter the sports field. They accept every challenge. Equipped with pole vault poles and adhesive tape, they beat every record on their way to the top – athletically, acrobatically, rapidly and humorously. The name of the sport is irrelevant, the show is extremely entertaining. Let’s go, 15Feet6!

15feet6 Amphitheater Performances Tollwood Festival
15feet6 Amphitheater Performances Tollwood Festival
15feet6 Amphitheater Performances Tollwood Festival

All dates

  • Thu., 18.07.2024 19:30 hrs.
  • Fri., 19.07.2024 20:30 hrs.
  • Sat., 20.07.2024 20:30 hrs.
  • Sun., 21.07.2024 19:30 hrs.

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20.07.2024 | 19:30 hrs. | Andechser Zelt | Free admission