Kiko Pedrozo & Friends

12.12.2023 | 16:30 hrs.
Free admission

Concert | Hexenkessel

Kiko Pedrozo & Friends

World music & sound of harp

From Paraguay to German and international stages: Kiko Pedrozo casts a spell over everyone with his harp. The virtuoso string specialist and singer coaxes pop and rock melodies from his instrument, as well as music from his homeland and Irish sounds. He comes to the Hexenkessel with musical accompaniment.


12.12 Kiko Pedrozo+friends Tollwood Konzert Hexenkessel

More events on 12.12.2023

Wackerbauer 051219WTW Hochformat Tollwood Walkacts4

Stilt theater Hochformat

sev. dates | Festival Ground | Free entry

Faszination.feuershow Tollwood Performances C DerBlitzdings Volker.Schlott 02

Faszination Feuershow

Mon 27.11. - Wed 29.11. + Sun 10.12. - Tue 12.12. + Mon 18.12. | Fire Show Square | Free entrance!

Schreibwerkstatt Kunstraum Tollwood C Aaron.burden Unsplash

Writing workshop

Tue, Sun (except 26.11. + 10.12.) | Admission free!

Stop Motion Film Kinderprogramm Tollwood


Tue 12.12. + 19.12. | KunstRaum | Free entrance - with registration