Die Fantastischen Vier

25.06.2023 | 19:00 hrs.

sold out

Concert | Musik-Arena


“Die da” are back and will turn the heads of rap fans with their beats at the Tollwood Summer Festival 2023. After six years, the Fantastischen Vier are coming to the music arena for the second time: on 25 June 2023.

The hip-hop icons Michi Beck, Thomas D, And.Y and Smudo will perform their tracks, with which they have been an integral part of the German music scene for over 30 years. Catchy tunes guaranteed!

Dear Tollwood-Visitors, please take note of the safety advice for the “Musik-Arena”. There will be body checks at the entrance and your bags will be searched. We generally advise our concert guests to refrain from bringing medium-sized and / or large backpacks and large handbags in order to accelerate access to the “Musik-Arena”.

Die Fantastischen Vier Tollwood Musik Arena

More events on 25.06.2023

Matthias Romir Schwarz Amphitheater Tollwood Festival

Matthias Romir – „Schwarz“

21.06.2023 - 25.06.2023 | Amphitheater | Free admission

Tollwood Sommerfestival 2023 Re Think Muenchen

Hands-on activities

June 16/18/21/25/29 and July 1/3/8/11/16 Re:think Quartierslounge | Free entrance

The Kikis Tollwood Konzert Hexenkessel

The Kikis

25.06.2023 | 17:30 hrs. | FassBar | Free admission

Yoga Stephanie Schoenberger Tollwood Half Moon Bar

Wisdom, Beats & Poses – Stephanie Schönberger

25.06.2023 | 11:00 hrs. | Half Moon Bar | Free admission