Caro Kelley

28.11.2023 | 18:30 hrs.
Free Entrance

Concert | Hexenkessel

Caro Kelley

Soul, Pop & Indie Rock Attitude

An incredible presence on stage and her vocal improvisation characterize Caro Kelley. The American singer and pianist from Munich does not allow herself to be limited to just one musical style. She impressively combines jazzy vocals and pop songs with an indie rock attitude.

11.28 Caro Kelley Tollwood Konzert Hexenkessel

More events on 28.11.2023

Treibholz Skulpturen Kinderprogramm Tollwood

Building driftwood sculptures

Tue 28.11. + 05.12 | KunstRaum | free entrance - with registration

Schreibwerkstatt Kunstraum Tollwood C Aaron.burden Unsplash

Writing workshop

Tue, Sun (except 26.11. + 10.12.) | Admission free!

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Faszination Feuershow

Mon 27.11. - Wed 29.11. + Sun 10.12. - Tue 12.12. + Mon 18.12. | Fire Show Square | Free entrance!

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„Mr. Lo’s Papershow“

28.11 – 29.11. | Performancebühne | Admission free!