
01.07.2023 | 17:00 hrs.
Andechser Zelt
Free admission

Andechser Zelt


Austrofred is the most outstanding Freddie Mercury interpreter in Austria. Concerts by the “champion”, as his fans call him, are always an event. Austrofred’s almost incomprehensible stage presence, his unique shouting and the directly physical rock sound are an experience. At the same time, Austrofred doesn’t just sing the Queen hits, no, by means of crossing
with well-known Austropop lyrics, he transfers them to completely different heights. When “Anotherone Bites the Dust” meets “Zwickt’s mi”, “Bohemian Rhapsody” meets “Märchenprinz” and “We will rock you” meets “Schifoan”, it is rock entertainment of the highest order. Extravagant outfits, dynamic acting, grandiose hits, mature songs and, above all, the outstanding charisma of the “smartest Austrian of all time” (quotation from concert-goer) make this concert another highlight in the work of this exceptional artist, which is not lacking in highlights.
Austrofred: “I am happy to be able to offer my audience this extraordinary reunion show, which not only contains a lot of rock music know-how, but also a lot of myself.

Austrofred Andechser Lounge Sommer 2018
Austrofred Andechser Lounge Tollwood Sommerfestival 2018

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