Fusion Dance Monday

20.06.2022 - 11.07.2022
Half Moon Bar
Free Entrance

Dancing at the Half Moon Bar

Fusion Dance Monday

Salsa, Reggaeton, Bachata, Afro & HipHop – the week starts with the motto “move & feel awesome!” with Laura del Vecchio and DJ Mel.

Come by and dance along – here you can have a little taster course free of charge.

Fusion Dance Monday Laura Del Vecchio Tollwood Muenchen Half Moon Bar

All dates

  • Mon., 20.06.2022 19:00 hrs.
  • Mon., 27.06.2022 19:00 hrs.
  • Mon., 04.07.2022 19:00 hrs.
  • Mon., 11.07.2022 19:00 hrs.