Disco, Baby!

03.07.2022 | 16:30 hrs.
Free admission


Disco, Baby!

“Disco, Baby!” is a cover band only at first glance – with a range from crisp jazz, funk and punk in the style of the 70s to the hits of today. At second glance, the band makes the tunes of music legends like Estelle, Stevie Wonder and Police their own. The two- and three-part vocals, the compelling addiction to interpretation, the rhythm, the desire to interpret the tried and true in a completely new way: That’s what makes the five musicians of the band. It can happen that they start their songs with a Justin Timberlake song and end it with “Maniac” from “Flashdance”. Maybe also on July 3 in the Fassbar at the Tollwood Summer Festival.

Disco Baby Fassbar Konzert Tollwood


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