Food for Energy 2018

28./30.11., 5./7./12./21./22.12.


Food for Energy

Auction of gift baskets in favour of SOFIs WORLD for the promotions of alternative energy sources in Africa.

With support of BioRegional® and Herbaria.

All dates

  • Wed., 28.11.2018 18:30 hrs.
  • Fri., 30.11.2018 18:00 hrs.
  • Wed., 05.12.2018 18:30 hrs.
  • Fri., 07.12.2018 18:30 hrs.
  • Wed., 12.12.2018 18:30 hrs.
  • Fri., 21.12.2018 18:30 hrs.
  • Sat., 22.12.2018 18:30 hrs.

More events on 12.12.2018

Stelzen Illumina

Stilt walking

12,19/12 – 22/12/2018 | festival grounds| free entry

Marco Huynh Tollwood

Magic from the far east

10/12 – 14/12/2018 | performance stage | free entry

Circus Oz Tollwood Winterfestival 2018
with menu

Circus Oz
"Model Citizens"

23/11 - 31/12/2018 | Grand Chapiteau

Daisy Ultra

Daisy Ultra

12.12.2018 | 19:30 hrs. | Hexenkessel | Free Entrance