
07.12.2024 | 19:30 hrs.
Free admission

Konzert | Hexenkessel


Finest handmade Munich Soul

The star in the Munich soul sky! These are 7 musicians who have come together to pay homage to the original soul. The band was founded in mid-2012 and wanted to get on stage as quickly as possible, because that’s where soul can really come to life! Sam and Dave, Ray Charles, Otis Redding, Wilson Pickett, James Brown through to more modern soul interpreters such as Randy Crawford and Stevie Wonder are played live with an authentic soul line-up, no playback, no tricks, all real. The frontman Gilbert Bishop is an outstanding soul singer and showman and has been on the stages since the 60s and was already under contract with Ralf Siegel.

12 07 SOULISSIMO C Michael Weny

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