Ich & Herr Meyer

25.11.2023 | 14:00 hrs.
Free admission

Children’s concert | Hexenkessel

Children’s concert: Ich & Herr Meyer

Dancing, singing & joining in desired!

No hair, but music in their blood. The popular Berlin children’s musicians Ich & Herr Meyer invite the whole family to dance, sing and join in with their versatile show. Inspired by reggae, pop, rock, rap, country, tango and electro, there is something for all ages.

Ich Und Herr Meyer Kinderkonzert Tollwood Hexenkessel C Mejdi El Bekir

More events on 25.11.2023

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Rene Mazing Tollwood Performances C Florian.schreiber

René-Mazing „Magic and Comedy“

25.11. + 22.12. -23.12. | Performancebühne | Eintritt frei!

Gute Nacht Geschichte Kinder Tollwood Muenchen

Bedtime story

Thu 23.11. - Sat 23.12. | Free entry!

TwWeb Kinderprogramm C IngmarWein

Craft & Work

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