Die Flugträumer “ALICE Air on Fire”

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Fire theatre

Die Flugträumer

“ALICE Air on Fire”

Fire as a dramatic medium has always fascinated the theater world. For the most part, however, flame was considered something dangerous, an all-devouring, uncontrollable element. Only cultures
like the Maori from New Zealand and the Aborigines from Australia have introduced us to fire as a purifying force and an element that enriches art. And so, even in this country, circus theaters have emerged that have learned to play with fire. One of these companies, which has driven this artistic work to perfection, comes from Berlin and calls itself “Die Flugträumer”. They have been working successfully on the stages of Europe for more than 15 years and inspire with unusual productions and genre-spanning art projects.

While most groups working with sparks and flames focus on dance performances, the artists’ collective uses the whole range of circus arts. They tell a story of the sublime sensuality and explosive power of fire, far above the heads of the audience. Their show is, in the best sense of the word, a fire circus, in which artists celebrate the high art of the circus, from floor acrobatics that demand flexible bodies, to breathtaking artistry on the straps, to aerial hoop artistry that pushes the boundaries of physics. The fire is always present as an equal partner.

A magical apocalyptic fairy tale, told in unique fire choreographies and seemingly weightless aerial performances. A fascinating, half-hour experience that you won’t soon forget.




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Feuershow Die Flugtraeumer Alice Air On Fire C Die.Flugtraeumer 4
Feuershow Die Flugtraeumer Alice Air On Fire C Die.Flugtraeumer 2
Feuershow Die Flugtraeumer Alice Air On Fire C Die.Flugtraeumer

All dates

  • Fri., 26.11.2021 18:30 hrs.
  • Fri., 26.11.2021 20:30 hrs.
  • Sat., 27.11.2021 18:30 hrs.
  • Sat., 27.11.2021 20:30 hrs.
  • Sun., 28.11.2021 17:00 hrs.
  • Sun., 28.11.2021 19:00 hrs.